Wednesday, October 31, 2012

King Tut

Pharaoh Tutankhamen, most known as King Tut, was one of anient Egypt's famous pharaohs.  One reason was because he was so young when he became the ruler and another reason was his mysterious death.  Follow the link provided to search about King Tut to answer the questions.  Once you are finished you will write a newspaper article about what you learned about King Tut's tomb.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hammurabi's Code of Law

Welcome to the ancient world of Babylon where the first known written language was created.  A king named Hammurabi was the first to establish written laws for the people of his civilization.  He believed all people were good and wanted rules.  He wanted his laws to be fair and just so that all the people in his civilization would know what was expected of them. He also wanted to be sure the powerful did not abuse those weaker.

Activities: Complete the following activities in the order you see here.  Use the links provided below and the WS to complete the exercise.

1. You are to go to the links provided below and examine Hammurabi's laws.

2. You will then try to predict what you believe will happen in each situation given and write your response on your worksheet.

3. You will then write a response to the following question on my blog and post it so all can read and respond to them.  Be sure to answer the question stated here:

          Do you feel Hammurabi's Code of Laws were just or unjust for that time?  Give reasons for your answer with specific details and examples from his laws.

3. After you will write your own set of laws for a classroom or school based on Hammurabi's example.

 Hammurabi's Code of Laws

Sunday, January 8, 2012


This is your connection to my history blog.  I will post information, images, videos and links that may be helpful to you in this class. This will also be used with lesson where you can write on this blog to me and we can communicate about the lessons and your thinking about the subject matter. Today you will find my links about the Terra-Cotta warriors.  You are to use them to do your research about the soldiers before starting your project.