Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Hammurabi's Code of Law

Welcome to the ancient world of Babylon where the first known written language was created.  A king named Hammurabi was the first to establish written laws for the people of his civilization.  He believed all people were good and wanted rules.  He wanted his laws to be fair and just so that all the people in his civilization would know what was expected of them. He also wanted to be sure the powerful did not abuse those weaker.

Activities: Complete the following activities in the order you see here.  Use the links provided below and the WS to complete the exercise.

1. You are to go to the links provided below and examine Hammurabi's laws.

2. You will then try to predict what you believe will happen in each situation given and write your response on your worksheet.

3. You will then write a response to the following question on my blog and post it so all can read and respond to them.  Be sure to answer the question stated here:

          Do you feel Hammurabi's Code of Laws were just or unjust for that time?  Give reasons for your answer with specific details and examples from his laws.

3. After you will write your own set of laws for a classroom or school based on Hammurabi's example.

 Hammurabi's Code of Laws


  1. i think that hammurabis code of law was unfair because if a boy slaps his father his hands are getting cut off . that is not fair . every body has anger issues,i bet that even hammurbi gets mad. karson green

    1. your right we probably would all not have hands then- Jake Schroeter

    2. i think that you have good reasons and examples with the boy and everybody has issues so good job karson chase Mckeethen

    3. Hola I toatolly agree with you. don't you wonder if you slapped your father more thatn two times what would he cut off then??? #grnt Emmenderfer#

    4. I agree with Jake. I slap my dad for fun, just to mess with him, and I would have no hands!

    5. I agree but as cruel as it sounds, the laws might have been needed during that time, but a toleration policy for acts might have been a good idea.
      *Claire Pallett*

    6. Nice response Karson, I agree that is pretty harsh.
      Mrs. ARgent

    7. ^^ Kamryn huff^^
      The one above. forgot my name.

  2. hammurabi's laws were unfair to the people of babylon. Example if a son strikes his father his hand shall be cut off. Or if a wife belittles her family she will be thrown in the water. Now if you cut off someones hand it is attemt of murder.

    Chase Mckeethen

    1. i agree w/ u. he was really harsh.

      READ MINE!!!!!!!!!

      lucas staley

    2. gud job chase i completly agree with u:}}}}

      sharleen k.

  3. Hammurabi's laws are seriously unjust. If a son slaps his father back then, he would lose his hand. Now, you would just get grounded. I don't think he would have made those laws if he had to follow the rules. I would be dead in a minute if we followed these rules. The rules are like a military school that you live on. No one should ever be treated that way! -Jake Schroetr

    1. oops Schroeter not Schroet -Jake Schroeter

    2. I agree Jacob. I wonder who was watching him to be sure he wasn't breaking any laws. Nice response. Mrs. Argent

    3. I agree with you, but I think if he broke the rules, the people would begin to revolt... Nick Lewis

    4. nice job i agree with you i dont think that hammurabi had to follow his own rules

      karson green

    5. As cruel as they where, if the laws where that cruel it might have cause a lack of disobetiant acts.

      *Claire Pallett*

    6. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -Jake Schroeter

  4. I think Hammarabi's code of law is unjust.First no one is given a fair trial so you could be accused and not've done anything at all. I wiuldn't deffinently not want to live in babylon! Ps what does he do with all the hands he cuts off??? #Grant Emmenderfger#

    1. Yes, you are correct that there was no trial. It seems to me that people could have been accusing those that they didn't like.
      Mrs. Argent

    2. U are right but i also wonder what he does with all those bodies----------Jake Schroeter

  5. I think that Hammurabi's code is both just and unjust.While kind of cruel, the laws might have been 'normal' for that time.Also,the unique ocurences might have required those kind of laws.We don't know all about the life styles back then so the argument really could go either way.As cruel as the laws sound to us,they might have had a different view of civil acts.

    1. Oops forgot my name. . .
      *Claire Pallett*

    2. Nice job, Claire. You may be right. They could have been very cruel people as well and causing havic in the cities. Good job.
      Mrs. Argent

    3. Thanks. I've been reading some of the other comments and I think alot of them hold very good points.

      *Claire Pallett*

  6. I think Hammerabis Code of Law was unfair. I think it was unfair because it was to harsh. if u hit ur parents, ur hand shall b cut off. if a criminal enters a wine shop and u didnt no, ud die. hammerabis code of law was very unfair.

    1. Yeshhhhhhhhh If we lived here 1 we wouldnt know what people are saying 2 we would all would be very scared of what to do because there are so many of them-Jake Schroeter

    2. I think the point of the Hammurabi's code is to make people not act in bad ways and I think the laws would come into play with different ways. Also if you own a wine shop you should probly know who is coming into your establishment.

      *Claire Pallett*

  7. i 4got my name......
    lucas staley

    1. i <3 the way you put that lucas so good job
      Chase Mckeethen

    2. I agree with that. The code of laws weren't fair at all. Good job

  8. I think Hammurabi's code was fair and unfair in a way. With extream punishments like this, there would be less of a chance that all this stuff would happen, like if someone abducts a child, I think being put to death is sort of fitting, because abduction is awfull. But the laws are unjust because they are very extream, like if someone does something accidentally, like building a bad house, they die for something that is not initally their fault. That is what I think. Nicholas Lewis

    1. I like how you gave exact examples to show both points of your arguement. Great job.
      Mrs. Argent

    2. Yuor right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!-Jake Schroeter

    3. Well, it seems like back then, people would be paying alot of attention to their house building and other activites.

  9. I think Hammurabi's Code of Laws was unfair because their cruel and unusal punishments. Like for instance if a store worker see's people gathering up in her shop and doesnt report it she would be drowned.

    Sharleen Kinyua

    1. sharmann i <3 the way you put that so good job
      Chase Mckeethen

    2. nice jod that dosent make sense if a person has a gathering in her shop or house she might drown if she doesnt roport it
      karson green

  10. I disagree with hammurabis Code of Law because, alot of people were hert or killed. Say if you hit your dad what would he do to you? Ground you and yell at you right. well hammurabi will cut your hand off. Also if you talked back to your husband you will be thrown in the water. I think hammurabi could be a little bit less harsh and dont make the rules so hard on the people. But thats what made there civelization so strong. Because if he dident have these Code of Laws every thing would be chaos.

    1. you spelled hurt wrong ;)-blake benhardt-

    2. I like your opinions and your choices to show why you felt how you did. Nice job.
      Mrs. Argent

    3. good job jordan

  11. I believe that Hammurabi's Code of Laws were just, but within reason. The people needed to understand who is boss, and to follow the rules correctly. Although a few consequences are ridiculous. Hammurabi should also have to follow the rules and face the consequences, just as the people. If a person is dead because of what they did, they will never learn. So the things that just hurt them were better than if they were killed, so they could learn. those rules were just. It's kind of like today, how people are sent to jail if they commit an illigal act.
    Jennifer Shannon :)

    1. I dis agree with the showing whose boss part does barrack obama kill us to show us who is boss.? -Jake

    2. Exactly what i mean, the very laws put fear into people, and fear is not necessarly a very bad thing, fear can meake people not do things, but i also agree that some of the laws are a bit rediculous. Nicholas Lewis

    3. i agree w/ u jennifer

  12. Jennifer, Great comment! I agree that the people may have needed these harsh laws due to them having so much trouble getting people to follow the laws.Mrs. Argent

  13. I think Hammurabi's code of law was VERY unjust. I mean, you would think a boy who slapped his father would just nbe slapped back. But no, THEY CUT OFF HIS HANDS. Second, if a nun went into a bar for a drink, she was burned! For wanting a drink! maybe she wanted water! But if she just went in, she was burned. Totally unfair. And, if a man can't pay his debt, he woulkd have to sell a family member! SO, that's why it's unfair!

  14. I think Hammurabi's code is unjust. I think the codes are unjust because in this time if you slapped your father, your hand wouldn't be cut off. In this time if you slapped your dad you might get grounded. I don't find it fair for someone to be put to death. -Zoe Smith

  15. Sometimes I throw up!

  16. I think Hammurabi's code was very unjust. How does it make sense that if a man of a household cannot pay his debt, then one of his children or wife will go into slavery and not him. If your the one that can't pay off your own debt, then you should be the one getting the punishment. Also, if a nun is caught drinking, then she will be burnt. Just take a second and think about that. If you take one drink of alcohol, you get the most painful death possible, being burnt by fire until you melt. That's not very fair. Some of Hammurabi's laws are fair, like the adoption law. If a son is adopted, the birth family of the son can't have him back. Or the carpenter law. If a carpenter builds a house and it collapses and kills the owner, the carpenter is put to death. That is very fair because, if someone dies because of your carelessness, you should die as well. Overall most of Hammurabi's laws were very unfair and unjust.

    Blake Davis

    1. That was a great response, Blake. You gave good support to your answer. Excellent!
      Mrs. A.

    2. I disagree because if a carpenter built a house and it fell on your family how wuold you fell would you want him killed?

  17. I believe that Hammurabi's Code of Laws were just. This is because it shows what was expected of people under Hammurabi's leadership. Hammurabi had these laws to bring justice to the townspeople. He made sure that people knew he was the most powerful person in the village. People under his power knew what was expected of them. They also knew what would happen if they stepped out of line. Even though some punishments were pretty harsh I still believe that Hammurabi's Code of Laws were just.

    Olivia Chirco

    1. Excellent point Olivia. All points earned!
      Mrs. A.

    2. I disagree with you his punishments were very harsh think about it...... If your husband was in debt for $15 and then he sends you to slavery for 3 years how would you feel? Or if you were burned because you were a nun and you just wanted a glass of wine like that is very harsh. That is why i disagree with you.

      Lexi Coxwell

  18. I think Hammurabi's code of laws were unjust because he/she could be guilty but if they can swim then their automatically non-guilty and the other person dies for saying he/she stole something. Also, if a nun wants a glass of wine they get burned I mean seriously that is just being cruel! Or if a man cannot pay his debts right at the moment he has to sell his wife, son, daughter, etc. as slaves for 3 years to pay his debts back think about it what if he only owes $15 then his wife is gone for 3 years. That is why i think Hammurabi's code of law is unjust.

    Lexi Coxwell

    1. I agree with you

    2. Lexi, you gave good points to support your answer. All points earned
      Mrs. A.

    3. good job i love it
      -jetta ives

  19. I believe Hammurabi code is just. I believe this because if some one cut your hand off you would want to cut there hand off. Also slapping your father is bad so therefore if you would slap your father your hand shall be hewn off, and is if a carpenter built a house and it fell and killed your family you would want him to be put to death. These punishments are fair because if someone is harmed then the person who had harmed him is harmed. So Hammurabi's code is just because it explains there punishment for what they did because it was displayed upon pillars in cities across the empire. Dillon Monroe

    1. This is excellent. I like how your gave specific examples from the activity. All points earned.
      Mrs. A.

    2. Dillon, I disagree with you. If you got really mad at your dad, and you slapped him, would you think it would be fair to lose your hand? Also, if your wife doesn't do something you tell her to do, would you want her to be thrown into a river?

      Blake Davis

  20. I think that Hammurabi's Code of Laws is both just and unjust. First of all, it kept everyone in order and everyone knew what was expected of them. You may think that getting your hands cut off for hitting your father is unjust, but really, you shouldn't be hitting your father anyway! Don't do the crime if you don't want the punishment. Also, some laws were good. If you couldn't pay off what you bought with money, you'd pay with corn or sesame as rent. That would be a good idea for people without money. But it also could be very unjust. Throwing someone into a river is a very bad idea. Their guilt has nothing to do with their swimming ability. Also, if you accidentally killed someone's baby, you'd just have to pay! That one is one of the not-cruel-enough punishments, surprisingly. If you couldn't pay your debts, your wife or children would be enslaved. If you are the one who can't pay, YOU should be enslaved. I think that some of these punishments and laws were fair. But some of these punishments were cruel and unorthodox. Hammurabi's Code of Laws was both just and unjust, depending on the rule.
    - Abby Nowakowski

  21. I think the Hammuribi's codes of laws were unjust. If you slapped your father, your hand would be cut off, maybe he had a bad day, or maybe he has anger problems. Second, if a carpenter builds a house and the house falls on the owner, then he would be put to death. What if there was a natural earthquake and the house falls. Then there should be no reason for the carpenter to die.

    Geno Dutzy

  22. I would personally think that these laws were just. It shall help stop criminal activity and to show people that these that this person has done a crime.People would learn from other punishments like not to steal or disobey there masters, and husbands

    -Christopher Cheshire

  23. I believe that Hammurabi's laws were unjust. I believe this because to cut someones hands off for hitting someone, there are better ways to solve that like sitting in a corner for 10 minutes. Although the way things use to be, I guess i could consider it okay. Even though i don't agree with it. - Emily McNiff

  24. This is how you comment. You go to the comments and write your answer and then you sign your name and choose anonymous and publish. Then you can go to others and respond to their comments.
    Mrs. Argent

  25. I believe Hammurabi's laws were just, because it kept people in their social place and they knew what was expected of them even though these laws might have been a bit extreme but they were very necessary during this period of time.

    -Aidan Applegate

    1. Excellent response. I like how you wrote about their social place and that it was necessary for that time.
      Mrs. A.

    2. your details are very good

    3. i disagree Aiden

    4. Aiden applegata i agree with you

    5. i agree
      -Jordan E

  26. I believe that Hammurabi code of laws is no to cool for school! One reason why i think this is because when you are being accused and the man or woman you accused jumps into the river and lives you DIE! WHAT! If they die then you get all there, BUT if he lives then you die and he get all your stuff. That's not fair! Another reason why is if you slap your father both your hand will be cut off. My last reason is if you cant pay your dept then you have to sell your wife, son, or daughter to be put in 3 years of work. I don't want to leave my mommy. This is why i think Hammurabi's rules are unjust
    -Bree Meitz

    1. GOOD JOB very good details

    2. I agree with you Bree, I wouldn't want to live during that time. I feel they may have to be harsh though to keep people in line and have control.
      Mrs. A.

    3. I disagree bree. some rules are really fair. maybe it helps them not abuse their parents anymore !

  27. I think that Hammurabi's laws were unfair. Well its good to have rules to follow because it can keep them straight from not going crazy. I think that his rules are harsh and he had taken it way to far. I also think that since he was king he thought that everybody was his slave. If i were to be a person living in his kingdom i would want to state my opinion on how he is ruling his people and how he should be a little more fair to his people. So they will treat him just like he treats them. With the rules he had back then he would have never been treated nice.
    - Jude Highfill

    1. I understand your point and see how you could think that but think about how life was back then.

      -Judias Maximus |||


    3. good job jude

    4. good points jude like the whole he thinks everyones his slave!!!!!!
      -Samantha fust

  28. I believe that the Hammurabi code of laws is unjust. Cutting off a kids hand is child abuse and that might be your only kids. Putting people to death isn't right. they may have broke a law that's illegal but they should be but in jail.You should get fired for building a house wrong but getting put to death is harsh even if you accidentally killed someone.Throwing somehow in the water is wrong especially if its a women. These laws are wrong and im glad we don't do it anymore.
    Sam Gnolfo

    1. This is amazing good point i think that his laws were unjust to
      -jude highfill

    2. no one replied too mine
      sam gnolfo

    3. Absoulutly!!!!!!!!! :) - Samantha Fust

  29. I believe that Hammurabi's law were just because they might have been extreme they keep them in check.
    Nicholas James Ruble

    1. I absolutely agree with you Nick:) -Alejandro Murillo

  30. I agree that these were harsh laws, but maybe they were needed to keep all the people in line in those days. I am glad I did not live in that time.
    Mrs. A.

  31. I believe that Hammurabi's code of laws was just because they create a very pacific civilization. For example if your a carpenter and you build an unsafe house then you should definitely die. Also if you cant pay your debts then you must pay them in service time, this helps with getting work that no one wants to do done. Plus with slapping your father why the heck would you need/want to slap your father. So to stop/put an end to you slapping people then you lose your rights to having hands. I don't know why our punishments are more like Hammurabi's!
    =Jake Klaus=

    1. I feel like sometimes it seems like our system lets guilty people go, but I do like that we have a system of justice in this country and that there must be a trial. What it must have been like to live during that time.
      Mrs. A.

    2. I completely agree with you. I like how you stated that the were a pacific civilization and you used the law about the builder being punished for not building the house good enough.
      Christopher Mansker

    3. I agree with your opinion, but i dont think the fact that if a guy did not do his job, and pay the taxes that his family members were enslaved. You do have really good points though.
      Lizzy McCarthy

  32. I think Hammurabi's Code of Laws were just, this is my opinion because if you don't want the punishment, then don't do the crime. Even though most of these punishments were very cruel and violent, it should be fair. If someone breaks the law, then they deserve severe punishment! You are not going to let the he/she get away. Just like this punishment, if a man is to accuse another man of thievery, then that man being accused shall jump into the river. If this man is to survive the punishment, then the accuser shall be killed. But if the man accused dies in the water, then the accuser shall take all the other person's belongings and shall not be killed. Now a days laws are not as strict as back then, but back then, that's just how they decided to do these things. Here's another one, if a son is to slap his father, then his hands shall be cut off. This is fair, because you shouldn't be slapping your father. Do the right thing, if you don't then you will face punishment. Just like at school, there are certain levels of punishment for what you do. There are punishments such as, In School Suspension, and Out of School Suspension, and their are also punishment of getting a closed lunch, and as well as being expelled. Learn from your mistakes, and know right from wrong. This is why I think Hammurabi's Code Of Law is just.

    -Caden Rockafellow

    1. Excellent response! I like your facts and answer.
      Mrs. A.

  33. I believe that Hammurabi's code of laws were fair/just because the laws keep people in their place and all the bad things that they do, they get punished fro just like today. just like you shouldn't even think about hitting your dad or parents because that's totally disrespectful and getting your hands cut off.... well I wish that law was here today because people are always hitting elderly and its not good one bit. Another code that I like it not paying your taxes or debts because people are always taking life as a joke when its not so you really should have your money ready and paid for!!! I thing these codes of laws are fair and important because if that's what they are and live then they need to follow the rules that their leader gives and if you don't like it then move, run away, kill yourself, or do better in life. --------- HYJA HUTCHINSON !!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

    1. the whole son hits his dad i thinks it unjust based on my own opinions baded opon what if it was self defence so yeah.
      - Samantha Fust *********<3 <3

    2. I completely agree! Good job Hyja :P!
      -Liz Behan

    3. Okay, maybe not kill yourself.....LOL
      -Liz Behan

  34. I don't think Hammurabi's Code Of Laws were fair because there's no reason why wine sellers should be put to death and thrown into the water when they don't arrest a thief or when a boy slaps his father his hands should be chopped off, what the heck is that? That is so disrespectful! -Alejandro Murillo

  35. I believe that Hammurabi's laws were just. The laws gave eye for an eye. If you smacked your father then your hand would be chopped off. That seems fair saying that you shouldn't even be smacking your father anyways. Other things like if you are accused and thrown in a river that seems fair on my part because if you survive then the other is killed and you collect their possessions. If a nun walks into a bar for a drink then they are killed, seems fair to me you wanted to be a nun and you probably took an oath of some sort to show your allegiance. If a builder built your house and your house fell and killed you, would you want them to die as well. I mean it was their fault that you died. That's why i believe Hammurabi's laws were just

  36. I believe that the Hammurabi's code of law is unjust because maybe it was an accident and if you jump in the river and lived you don't have to kill the the person who said that stolled his stuff just punish that person don't kill them and about the boy who slaps his father than his hands get chopped of...REALLY?! the boy should be punished like the father will slap him harder because he needs his hands. About the guy who cant buy his debt he had to sell his family how about the trade.
    Sondos alqam

    1. I agree and disagree. Somethings were just and unjust.
      -Liz Behan

  37. I think that his laws are unfair and fair at the same time. Even though they were very cruel and very unfair, they probably kept people in place. The straight and strict environment of Hammurabi laws is something I wouldn't want to live in.

    Braedon McLemore

  38. I think that Hammurabi's laws were just and unjust, because even though it kept everyone in their place and in order, the laws were extremely violent and inhumane. I mean think about it, a son hit their father. In result their hands get cut off. Seriously?! It teaches the son to not hit his son, but there are many ways to come about teaching your son a lesson. Also, if someone breaks a law. There are these wonderful things called jails, that people get put into for doing bad and cruel things. It's like time out but for more serious issue. In my opinion Hammurabi just needed a shot of reality. If he kept up his laws, sure, not as many people broke laws and do bad things, but, there will still be people who do things that are "unfair" according to Hammurabi. Those people who are "unfair" will probably end up dead. Which is inhumane. Hammurabi won't stay king for long if he keeps killing all of his subjects. There won't be anyone for him to rule. Yes, Hammurabi's laws kept people in place, but there are simpler, fair, and nicer ways to come about getting people to stay in order.

    -Madison Guccione

    1. Excellent response. I love your details you gave to prove your point.
      Mrs. A

    2. i agree with you wholeheartedly! The laws were good in theory, but when the punishment was decided, they were way to cruel. i don't really have an idea of what the crime rate was back then, but this is way to harsh for todays crime control techniques.
      Lizzy McCarthy

  39. I think Hammurabi's laws were just because it kept their lives organised and gave them an idea of what Hammurabi expected.Their might have been a lot of laws but you just have to be careful what do and watch your actions.I think its also unjust because what if it wasn't your fault that a guy jumped off his hose and died, and was some guy wanted to jump off his house but these laws were god for this time period.samantha s

  40. I think Hammurabi's law is both just and unjust. First off I do believe that a Nun should be burned because she is like gods child and if you betray God you should be punished! On the other hand when they said the man who didn't steal something dies then the other man gets their stuff and if the man who did steal something but survived and the other man dies... i beileve that is wrong!

    -Michaela Thompson

  41. This is a test. This is where you type your comment. When you are done, you will sign your name for credit.
    Mrs. Argent

  42. I think that Hammurabi's code of law is unjust for that time because every law leads to constant death,death,death instead of negotiating with the people like modern society its either death , thrown in the river , loose a limb , or be burned. It is just crazy -Brian Kammer

    1. Brain your right all he wants is death death and death good job your that was a good point
      -Jordan Cowens

    2. I disagree I think they had to make these rules so cruel because no one followed these rules
      ~Andrew Kneale

    3. I think it would be rough to live during that time.
      Mrs. A.

  43. Hammurabi's code of laws were fair and unfair if a woman doesn't want to clean a house she shouldn't be thrown into a river! Plus the boy who slaps his dad what if it was with self defence. Hammurabi need a wake up call.
    - Samantha Fust

    1. I agree with the self defense part but I think it would be fair to discrace the woman just as she disgraced her husband
      Aidan Clark

  44. Yes i agree with Samantha -Brian Kammer

  45. Hammurabi's laws are unjust. First of all what if the boy has some anger issues and is disrespectful IT DOES'NT MEAN HE GETS HIS HANDS CUT OFF. Also a nun getting burned for having wine. Hammurabi is crazy, insane and a control freak.
    Aidan Clark

    1. I can tell you would not have liked to live during that time. Why do you think he was being so cruel?
      Mrs. A.

    2. Man that so true i think he needed more sense in his rules.
      -Payton Glynn

  46. I believe that Hammurabi's Code of Laws was both just and unjust. For example, I believe it is fair for the accused to be thrown into the river to prove themselves innocent. How else would they prove themselves? It was not the modern times, like now, they didn't have police reports and detectives. I do also believe it is unjust. This is because death isn't always fair, criminal or not no one would want to be put to death because of an accident like a house falling on someone. I'm sure that builder did not mean to harm the owner. Hammurabi's Code, in my opinion is both just and unjust. Somethings were just to cruel to me.
    -Liz Behan

  47. Hammurabi code of laws were unfair because if you build a house and it falls and kills somebody you should be put in jail for a few years or so
    -Jordan Cowens

    1. so I gather you do not agree with Hammurabi and wouldn't want to live during that time
      Mrs. A.

  48. I think Hammurabi's code was fair and needed in that time. Without harsh punishments no one would fear the government and if no one feared the government the civilization would fall. For example, if wine cellar owners did not report crime people did the everyone would do what they want. As I said, Hammurabi's code was very much needed for the civilization to grow.

  49. I think that Hammurabi's code of laws were unjust. Because i dont think its right that if a man doesn't pay his debt he has to sell his wife, a son, or a daughter.Also if women wanted to get a drink of alcohol they would have to be burned. And if your son slaps the dad then the sons hands shall be hewn off. And thats why i said Hammurabi's code of laws were unjust.

    -Jetta Ives

    1. I get you would not want to live during that time. Nice job.
      Mrs. A.

  50. I agree because it makes it so they will follow these laws, but the only one I disagree on is the one where you get you're hands cut off if you slap you're dad. So, I think these rules had to be bad so the Hammurabi's would listen to these rules.
    ~Andrew Kneale

    1. That is exactly what I thought!

      -Jordin Rednour

  51. I think Hammurabi's code was fair and needed in that time. Without harsh punishments no one would fear the government and if no one feared the government the civilization would fall. For example, if wine cellar owners did not report crime people did the everyone would do what they want. As I said, Hammurabi's code was very much needed for the civilization to grow.

    -Jordin Rednour

    1. I like your response and how you gave a different view. You gave good reasons to back up what you were saying about that time of life.
      Mrs. A.

  52. I believe that the laws were unjust. First, the law about cutting a boys hand off after slapping his dad and the law about a man not able to pay his debts, he has to sell his wife son or daughter or make them work. That's why I think the laws were unjust.
    -Jordan Earnest

  53. I think most of his rules where unjust because some of the rules just told them they would be put to death and to me i would feel like i wasn't safe and every day it would seem my life would be on thin ice.
    -Payton Glynn

  54. i believe that Hammurabi laws were not fit because they were unfair a lot at times. Like if a nun will be burned if they go to a wine shop and have a drink but if its not a nun then they don't have a punishment drinking. Also if a son slaps his father his hand gets cut off. I think that if a man can't pay his dept he should have to work not everyone in his family but him. I think that the laws were unfair and were unnecessary for the time period.John culleton(:

  55. I think that the laws are unjust , because they are killing the nun that believe in there gods. I do believe that they should give swimming lessons.most of the laws are un fair but some i may agree with, like the adoption i do believe that the one who adopts should keep.
    Mya zagurski

  56. The Hammurabi's code of law is fair at that time zone because, if the government was out going about their rulers the people would not listen to any one, there would be rebellions, killing, and death. You would not be safe no matter the time or where ever you are. Plus the people will over power everything at some point the population would die out at some point.
    James Freeland 4th hour

  57. I believe that Hammurabi's Code of Laws were very unfair. Hammurabi's laws were violent and unnecessary when it came to the type of crime the people committed. I can see that he wanted everyone to fear the laws and himself but going that far is too much. If the carpenter built a house and it collapsed and killed the residence, killing the carpenter is NOT the answer. He should have been sued, put in debt, or maybe put in jail. What if the carpenter's work wasn't the problem? What if it was natural causes and it was just a coincidence? There are other outrageous punishments, and I think this is the worst: if someone was accused of something, and they were found guilty, they should be thrown into a river. Great. If they can't swim, they would die. Plus, throwing someone into a river again doesn't solve the problem and it isn't quite something that can prove someone guilty or innocent. Basically, if you are tried for a crime and they guess that you are guilty, you have to be thrown into a river. If you survive, the other person is thrown into a river. Have a great time swimming to prove you are innocent!!! :/ #NOTFAIR
    -Caitlyn Olvitt

    1. #Preach

      Its good :p

      +Haylie O.

    2. Excellent point of view. I love how you gave specific details to support your answer and your opinion. Great job at explaining your point.
      Mrs. A.

    3. #%&@$ If you put a new law it will change the laws or more of it or not you have to change it...........???????!!!!!!!!! And one more think you have to survive,the other person is thrown into the water or river.
      This is from Gareth................................................................................................................................................################$$$$$$$$$$$%%%%%%%%%%%%&&&&&&&&&&&****************((((())))))) :) :)

  58. I think that the laws were unfair. I personally don't think that all of the laws were necessary. Especially the one about the nun. She just wanted a drink. Wine back then was the most sanitary thing to drink while there wasn't a whole lot of fresh water. I think it was really cruel to burn her because of that. The carpenter that built the house, WOW they didn't have to put him to death. A lawsuit is good enough. I personally think a couple months in prison would be good enough. I really don't think any of the laws were necessary... EXCEPT the adoption one. I think if you give a kid up for adoption they definitely should not get the kid back. This is why I think they were unfair. -Joshua Russell

  59. I think Hammurabi's code of law was unjust. For example, if a son strikes a father he should be punished, but not with the sons hands getting cut off. That was completely unnecessary and harsh. Some of Hammurabi's laws were fair though. For example, if there are two accused men they were pushed in a river. There was no other way that the men could have been put on trial. There wasn't all of the advanced crime fighting technology that we have now a days. Hammurabi designed his laws to keep order and a safe empire at the time. Hammurabi's laws might have been cruel sometimes but it was the first law system. Hammurabi's laws were safe and unsafe.
    Tyler Perez

  60. I believe that hammurabis laws were fair. If the builder knew the laws why was he a builder, he knows that can happen but he died anyway. It wasn't wrong to chop the boys hands off he should know not to disrespect his father a nun shouldn't even be drinking in the first place aren't they supposed to classy? so that's why she got burned. But their time was different from ours people ended up learning not to be so harsh about their disciplines.


  61. I believe that Hammurabi's rules were fair and unfair, but mostly fair. For example, if a boy slaps his father, his hand SHOULD be cut off...just to make sure that it never happens again. Also, if a man cannot pay his debts or taxes, which ever you prefer, should work as a slave but should not sell his wife, son and/or daughter. If a lady walks into a bar and has a glass of wine, she should be put in jail or be punished...burning her is very unnecessary.
    -Jazmine Courtney

  62. I believe it could be both fair and unfair. I could fair because I believe that after slapping his father, it is fair for the boy's hands to be cut off. I believe that is fair because, unlike modern times, kids aren't as protected by certain laws like in modern times. However, it is also unfair because if the nun went into the bar to get her a drink, I think she should at least be striped of her title and to never be a "sister of god" ever again. Being burnt is a little too harsh. But, in the Code of Laws defense, it was the nun's fault for going into the bar in the first place. She should have known what was expected of her, being a nun in all.

    Martriana D. Muhammad

  63. I think when the son slap his father, the father what to cut his son's hands off does the dad even loves his love ones just get oven it that's just wrong.

  64. I think that Hammurabi laws was very unjust because I thought that it very crazy that simple mistakes you can be put to death. Death is not always the way to go in some situations. What if the woman that owned the wine shop didn't see the people outside? I just think his laws was very harsh and cruel.
    A`Niyah Grant

  65. I think that Hammurabi's laws were harsh but necessary. If Hammurabi did not care then the city would be up in flames, it taut the people to respect and follow the laws or there will be a punishment. I think that his laws help us today, because it tells us to follow the law or there can be a bad punishment.
    Maddie N.

  66. Hammurabi's code of law was unfair.For example a nun should be burnt for going into a wine shop.Yea cause that's fair. its a NUN for Petes sake. Sister of the lord is what a nun is. Jesus drank wine why cant nuns. another example is a woman has to be drowned for slapping her husband. maybe HE was abusing her for years so she finaly decided to fight back.anyways, those are reasons hammurabi's code is UNFAIR!
    -delani miller

  67. I think that Hummurabi's point was to make all the laws as far as they can. But some times he made his rules a little to hard on the people. when the carpenter that built the house shouldn't of died because the house could of fail by it self. the carpenter could of at least went to jail or be punished, or if the wine seller didn't arrest the people that were doing something bad. she shouldn't have lost her life.
    Kevin Gutierrez

    1. good job good details
      Blake burnett

  68. I think that Hammurabi's Laws were unfair. Like when the woman died because she was crushed in her house and the carpenter was killed for it they should of not killed the carpenter they should question him and find evidence at the house or from people who lived over there and if it was the carpenter then they should not kilt him they should of put him in jail and have him pay a fine instead of killing him. Also when the kid slap his dad there was no reason to cut the kid hand off. It was just a kid. The kid should of got grounded and put to work in the fields.

    -Andrew Ferguson

  69. I think Hammurabi's code of law was fair and unfair in many ways. But I'm only going to say 2 ways. One way it's unfair is that if the wife disrespects the husband she shouldn't be killed, that would be cruel. I think she should be thrown in jail. One way it's fair is that if the parents of an adopted child wants there kid back. I think it's fair because the parents rightfully filled out adoption forms and because the adoption parents raised the kids so the parents should get to keep their kids.
    -James less

  70. i think that Hammurabi's laws were fare. you see because if they wold do there job and make shear it was done right they wold not have to die. i think that yes some of his laws were cruel but if the ppl wold follow his laws no one wold die,but i think the woman should be able to have a drunk if they had money to pay RishadMartin

  71. I think it is unfair.If a carpenter kill someone they don't have to die.Violets is not the answer.If the wine seller doesn't arrest the bad guy he don't need to die.

  72. I sort of agree with Hammurabi laws. I mean i don't really think that if a woman was to talking about her husband in a bad way or isn't doing her job I think its a bit excessive to kill the wife, I think it would be better if the wife could go to jail or become a slave.
    -Archer Cassidy

    1. Nice job. You gave some good points in your opinion.
      Mrs. A

  73. I feel that Hammurabi's laws, even for his time period, were not in the tiniest bit logical. They also were very harsh and cruel.
    For example, Hammurabi said that if a man is in debt he should sell his family as slaves. It would still be a little harsh if he made the man become a slave; punishing the family is ridiculous! They aren't the ones who are in debt; it is not their fault. This is just one example of the poor logical decisions Hammurabi exhibited in his code of laws.
    -Carly Bambrick

    1. Nice job, Carly. I think it would be very harsh to live back then.
      Mrs. A.

  74. I think that Hammurabi's code of laws are really harsh, but necessary. Hammurabi couldn't have his officials running left and right to arrest shady characters hanging around wine stores. Those poor guys have better things to do besides "Sir, you are arrested under the charges of being a creepy creeper." Also, so if someones wife wasn't doing their work, that woman gets burned, but when a guy doesn't do his job of paying the taxes, his family members get enslaved???? How is that fair? Despite the unnecessary laws, most of these make sense, to a certain degree. If a leader had really loose, not very strict rules, his/her subjects wouldnt be that worried about breaking them.
    -Lizzy McCarthy

    1. I agree that it was a very different life back then. We don't truly understand the chaos or trouble that might have been happening in that time back then. Great job:
      Mrs. A.

  75. I agree with Hammurambi's laws for that time period because back then people did not take disrespect.They did not like having things go wrong.Kings did not like his people doing the wrong things,but if someone is debt they should not lose his family.I like some of the laws but not all.

    1. Mitchell Holloway

    2. Mitch, What a great thing to say about how it might have been back then. Life was very hard and harsh treatment was often very common.
      Mrs. A.

  76. i feel that hammurabis laws were very unjust.if you wanted to get someone riches you could say that they stole something from you. then they have to swim to live, but if they die you get there riches. honestly it is very unfair and very cruel even for that time period.
    -brandon martens

    1. I agree with you, also it was kind of unfair the punishment they gave children or young adults.
      -Samantha Harris

    2. I agree that living in that time would be very harsh.
      Mrs. A.

  77. In my opinion, Hammurabi's laws are both unfair and fair. Some of the punishments back then aren't as bad as they are now. Now a days all we get is a slap in the face if we talk back, a spanking, or yelled at, sent to prison, rarely it is fatal. Back then you had way worse of punishments like getting your hands chopped off, thrown into water, and maybe even it could be fatal for the littlest of things. Like for instant, if you hit or slapped your father back then you would get your hands chopped off. If you hit your parents now you would probably get grounded or yelled at. To be completely honest, I would have rather lived in today's set of laws rather than back then. Also, they seemed a bit obsessed with water back then because they threw people into rivers or other bodies of water for tons of reasons. The only time you go into the water today is basically to bathe or swim. These are some reasons why I thought Hammurabi's laws were fair and unfair at the same time
    -Samantha Harris
    October 7

    1. You had an awesome opinion, and are a great writer :)
      Stephanie Leach

    2. I have to agree that I would be very afraid to live back in that time. If would be hard to know what to expect if I couldn't read all the rules. Also, there were so many.
      Mrs. A.

  78. I believe that Hammurabi's code of law is unfair and fair because its a little harsh for a boys hands to be cut off, instead the boy should be put in jail for assault. Its fair because a lot of people will actually be scared of the laws therefore they will obey it.
    -Jalen Hawthorne

    1. I totally agree with your reasoning. Also it is true that would want to follow them more.
      -Samantha Harris

  79. I think hamrumurabai's rules are crule cause if you slap your father your hand is gone.if a priest entrers a wine store and gets burned cause it was probally for the cermoine. if a man dosent pay his taxes then he loses his kids

  80. I think Hammurabi's Code of Laws were unjust or unfair. The punishments were very violent and unnecessary. If a wine seller doesn't arrest a person then they should not get put to death but they should just get arrested. Also if a woman doesn't do her job to the man or husband, then i think she should just be forced to do the work instead of getting thrown in water. The woman might be able to to swim and get away with it or the woman might drown. Overall i think the rules were unjust and Hammurabi should have thought them over before making them so terrible.
    Stephanie Leach

  81. I don't agree with Hammurabi's laws. Like if a child strikes his dad he gets his hands chopped off, but that's not necessary.Mostly if anyone has done anything bad then they would have a bad punishment. Its not fair to people if you get accused then you'll be thrown in the water and if your a kid then you probably won't know how to swim then you'll drown and die,but if you accused someone and they really did that thing you accused them for and their a great swimmer and if they come out unharmed then you'll die unfairly.If someone doesn't pay their taxes then they will have to sell their family or put them into service then work as a slave for 3 years,but don't you think that's a little extreme.Anyways that's why I think Hammurabi's laws were harsh,cruel and unfair.
    -Samuel Ashley

  82. I think his law's were not fair, because fair character is a friended then you would have to arrest your friend or die. that why I think there laws are not fair.

    -Belfield Zackery

  83. I think Hammuradi laws are unjust because he hurts everybody and wants everybody to be perfect. For example if a kid hits there parents his hands have to be hewn off. that is to harsh to be to someone i know someone should not hit someone but still.

  84. I feel that Hammurabi's law, even for his time period, shouldn't have been so cruel because he could have gave simple laws that didn't have to do anything with death except if that person did something really bad. It would still have been harsh if the people had to be somebody's slave it would just be right. Hammurabi's laws weren't very thoughtful laws they were evil laws is so may different ways. If I was a Queen and my husband had did that I would make him change those laws. Hammurabi's should have said "If you messed up three times because that's how many chances I gave you then you shall get the punishment" To me that would have been a way better then what he is doing now. That is my opinion you don't have to agree but every body has their own suggestions.

    - Jada Lee

  85. I think that Hammurabi's laws are not fair but unfair, the punishments for the laws were to violent for such simple crimes. If a kid slaps his father why have his hands cut off, what if he was defending himself because his father was abusive. Also if you are accused of something its not right for the river to decide if people can live or not what if they cant swim you expect them to survive, what if they where telling the truth but the accuser wanted property or possessions. Overall I think that the crimes were too simple to have that cruel of a punishment i know he wanted people to fear those laws and him but that is wrong.

  86. I think Hammurabi's laws were fair and kinda harsh because if a kid slaps their parent their hands get cut off and I think that is a little insane. Other laws like getting burned if your a nun and you go into a wine shop,and the carpenter will be put to death if the owner of the house dies from the house falling or really obscene. Most of these laws are appropriate for their time and age.

    Sebastian Bollinger Grimm

  87. Hammurabi's laws were cruel and completely unreasonable. Burning a nun just because she drank wine, and cutting off a son's hand's for hitting his father is way too extreme. Not to mention how half of the crimes committed couldn't even be proved especially not by throwing someone in a river.
    -Olivia Oster
